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Vietnam OTC/Phyto & Rx market – How to build your market entry and regulatory strategies to successfully enter this market?

Meet the CPC experts!

The Vietnamese OTC/Phyto & Rx market has positioned itself to be one of the most dynamic markets in the Asia region. With a growing upper-middle class and ageing population, quality is still an important purchasing factor. Consumers have a strong preference for European, Japanese, and USA products. Besides, the market is very attractive for foreign players, as consumer demand is still unmet by domestic manufacturers. 

Sign up now for our free Webinar on “Vietnam Market Entry & Regulatory Strategies” regarding your OTC/Phyto or Rx, products. And secure the opportunity to get your questions answered by our Vietnamese expert!


  • Wednesday 19th of October at 10:00 (CET) for a short and informative Vietnam Market Entry Strategy Expert Webinar (30 mins + Q&A)


What will be covered?

  • The Vietnamese OTC/Phyto & Rx Industry’s key facts
  • Market data, mapping the size of the market and the forecast till 2035
  • Expert insights into the OTC, Phyto, Rx, and MD market in Vietnam to best design your market entry strategy (market data on OTC & Rx sales, market share, most successful retail sales channels, registration process, tips and tricks, etc)
  • Interesting real business cases in Vietnam:
  • Practical Regulatory short-cuts and challenges, multi-country registration
  • Step by step on “How to build your market entry and regulatory strategies in Vietnam”
  • Registration process mapping with deep insights on timeline, list of required documents and registration strategy – introduced by our Vietnamese Regulatory Affairs Expert!

This is the right webinar for you if you are:

  • Interested in developing a successful market entry in Vietnam for your OTC, Phyto, Rx, MD products.
  • Wanting to receive more expert insights about the opportunities in Vietnam.
  • Real practical examples of good and bad decisions when entering Vietnam (cases from our experience)
  • Mapping the registration process and differences to Europe with current examples

How to participate?

Send an email to go@chameleon-pharma.com with your name and company details.

In return, we will send your personal link to the webinar.

    Let us guide you through the Vietnam market entry & registration process, and how to develop your strategy for a successful business in Vietnam, join us live

    on Wednesday 19th, Oct at 10:00 (CET) for this webinar!

    Featured picture: Photo by Tron Le on Unsplash


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