
Featured image: Photo by Raphael Nogueira on Unsplash
The Brazilian Consumer Healthcare and Prescription Drugs market, and its opportunities
Brazil’s Consumer Healthcare and Prescription Drugs market is developing into a truly enticing opportunity you should definitely consider if you are trying to develop your business internationally and in Latin America.
The Brazilian consumer healthcare and pharma market ranks first in Latin America, and is expected to be worth USD 62 Billion in 2035 at ex-factory level, according to Chameleon Pharma Consulting estimates. The federal state employs a decentralized, universal health system. The system works through a cooperation between the federal state, and municipal governments. Care is delivered by the municipal and state governments, while the federal government provides the funding through tax. All residents and visitors are able to receive free healthcare. As such, the government in Brazil necessarily plays a major role in the healthcare industry.
There is ample room for partnership opportunities in Brazil, as the country has a budding OTC and pharma manufacturing industry with major local and international titans who hold considerable weight in the market. The 5 largest players in terms of value are: Grupo NC; Sanofi; Hypera; Eurofarma and Ache. These three firms cover the majority of market segments including prescription, hospital, OTC, food supplements and generics.
If you are planning on entering Brazil, our expertise and long standing network can support you. The Chameleon Pharma Consulting Group has extensive OTC and pharma expertise in Latin American markets, and we would be thrilled to support you to take advantage of the opportunities this region has to offer!
The Brazilian OTC and pharma market in 2035
OTC & Pharma Market size, ex-factory
OTC & Pharma Market Growth
Brazil in numbers
Total population
Population growth
Birth rate
Mortality rate
Life expectancy
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