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Mexico Regulatory Webinar (OTC, Phyto, substance-based MD, FS, Cosmetics)

Product Registration for OTC, Phyto, substance-based MD, FS & Cosmetics in Mexico: Tips and Tricks to succeed – presented by Chameleon Pharma Consulting Group.

Mexico is the second-largest OTC & pharma market in Latin America, with premium pricing and well-regulated environment by COFEPRIS (MoH). The Mexican market is very attractive to enter for foreign players. Many product segments have premium prices above the EU level.

We, Chameleon Pharma Consulting Group, have more than 20 years of commercial, market entry & regulatory experience in Mexico. That is why our experts have prepared a regulatory webinar to take place on Tuesday 10th of May 2022 at 16:00 (CET) to share the latest update on the Mexico registration process about the OTC, Phyto, substance-based MD, FS, Cosmetics and GMP topics.


The Regulatory (30 mins + Q&A) webinar will cover:

  • What documents are required by COFEPRIS when it comes to OTC, Phyto, substance-based MD, FS, Cosmetics registration; GMP, pharmacovigilance, clinical studies, bibliographic registration dossiers.
  • Latest regulatory changes and news by COFEPRIS influencing the registration
  • What are the costs and time duration of the process;
  • Normal registration and New Molecule Process (CMN), how they differ regarding the registration process.
  • Tips and tricks for a fast registration in Mexico.


If you are looking to expand and developing new business opportunities for your OTC, Phyto, substance-based MD, FS, Cosmetics business into Mexico; you want to better understand the requirements by COFEPRIS; you are interested in fast track registration, CMN-committee, GMP, variations for OTC, Phyto, substance-based MD, FS, and cosmetics in Mexico or just curious in tips & tricks about the registration, then this webinar is right for you!


To register, please email Mrs. Celia Lloves on mako@chameleon-pharma.com, we will send your personal link to the webinar. Also, do not forget to check our website and follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on what other insider topics we will cover next.

Featured image: Photo by Junel Mujar on Unsplash


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