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View o the bay area and the opera house in Sydney

Featured image: Photo by Caleb Russell on Unsplash

The Australian Self-Medication and Rx market: Outlook to 2035

Australia’s Self-Medication and Rx market is a mature market amongst growing Asian ones but is still full of opportunities. Continue reading to discover them: 

The Australian OTC and pharma market was worth USD 9 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 12,3 billion ex-factory in 2035, according to market experts‘ estimates at Chameleon Pharma Consulting Group. The Aus­tralian pub­lic health­care land­scape is a mix of fed­eral and state-based ini­tia­tives, poli­cies, and bud­gets, and the major­ity of health ser­vices are deliv­ered at the state level. Most of the OTC, pharma and biotechnological companies had shifted their focus toward R&D departments to identify new molecules or leads for the treatment of common diseases. R&D investments rose from USD$1,4 billion in 2016 to USD $1,6 billion in 2019, experiencing a 5% growth in 3 years and showing the importance of R&D for the Australian market. 

The country’s healthcare expen­di­tures will con­tinue to increase as the pop­u­la­tion ages and the need for government subsidies on more drugs to treat chronic, non-communicable dis­eases like cancer, increases.

The Aus­tralian med­ical device indus­try can list among its dis­tinct com­pet­i­tive advan­tages its reduced time to mar­ket com­pared with drug dis­cov­ery, its com­par­a­tively highly skilled work­force and its geo­graphic posi­tion within the Asia-Pacific region. Enter­ing the Aus­tralian healthcare mar­ket, with its size and diverse oppor­tu­ni­ties, is an excit­ing chal­lenge for west­ern OTC and Pharma com­pa­nies.

Entering the mature Australian market may be a challenge, but Chameleon Pharma Consulting Group has years of expertise to support you in entering it and answer any of your questions about Australia!

The Australian OTC and pharma market in 2035

USD 12,3 Billion

OTC and pharma market size, ex-factory


OTC and pharma market growth

Australia in numbers

Total population


Population growth

Birth rate

Mortality rate

Life expectancy

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